The links here will direct you to separate onsite pages containing information about active nets, or to offsite pages related to specific nets such as state traffic nets, training nets, etc. If you have information that you feel should be included in these pages please use the Contact page to send it to us.

Active Illinois ARRL/ARES Nets:

Amateurs in Central Illinois can check in via the Illinois Linked Repeater System. This is an analog system using VHF/UHF Repeaters.

A spreadsheet showing numbers of check-ins to the recent Wellness Net can be found here.

Bi-weekly ARES HF Net:

The regular ARES statewide net meets the first and third Sunday’s of each month on 3.905 Mhz LSB at 4:30pm local time. If necessary, the alternate frequency is 7.230 mhz LSB. You can also check in via EchoLink on node# 824404, ILLINOIS-LINK (digital voice) – Talk Group #31171, or the Illinois Linked Repeater System (analog).

Digital Voice Net

The Thursday evening Digital Voice Net has moved to Sunday evenings at 8:30 pm Central time.

You can check in using any of these connections:

Wires-X 21565
Brandmeister DMR 31171
TGIF DMR 31171
P25 31171
NXDN 31171
AllStar 42810
Dstar XL 334G, DCS334G, XRF334G 

Illinois Traffic Nets:

A list of Illinois Traffic Nets can be found here.

Salvation Army Nets:

SATERN is The Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network, an international organization providing emergency communications support to the Salvation Army wherever needed.  We have an International Net on 14.265 MHz Monday thru Saturday at 10:00 AM Central time.  We also have a Regional Net on 7.265 MHz Tuesdays at 8:30 AM Central.

We have two Metro Chicago nets. The East Net meets every Tuesday, on the Chicago FM Club repeater at 7 pm local time.  That repeater is on a frequency of 146.760 MHz with a – offset, and requires a 107.2 PL tone.

The West Metro Chicago SATERN net meets every Monday at 7 pm local time, on the Schaumburg Amateur Radio Club Repeater, K9IIK. This repeater is on a frequency of 145.230 MHz with a – offset, and requires a 107.2 PL access tone.  K9IIK is also linked to a UHF repeater on 442.275 MHz with a +5 MHz offset and a 114.8 PL access tone.  There is also a Wellness Net on Monday, Wednesday and Friday that meets on K9IIK at 11 AM.

In addition, you can access the West Metro net on EchoLink, K9IIK-R, which is node 575848.

We encourage you to participate in whichever Metro Chicago net works best for you, and we are always looking for Net Control Operators.  If you are interested in serving as Net Control, or would like to be included in our SLACK messaging system, please send an email to WØLEN @