We are fast approaching our Earthquake Exercise to be held on May 1 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. If you haven’t signed up please contact your DEC or EC to let them know you are participating. We will be using HF and VHF frequencies for the exercise.

Jim, WB9QPM, has graciously posted all the documents for the exercise on his web site at wb9qpm.org under the link Simulated Emergency Test 2021 Information. Please download the available resources. The link also contains a copy of a press release you can share with local print media and a YouTube link for your radio club members to view highlighting the exercise.

Vicky Whitaker, KD9BAU, our Section Public Information Coordinator, is in the process of sending an advisory along with the release and a special “B roll” broadcast version of that video to key media outlets including television stations across Illinois and surrounding states with cross-state-line coverage. Please contact her at kd9bau@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Immediately following the exercise the Wellness Net (the net we
participated in last year) will be held. All amateurs are invited to

Please remember to check into the 3.905 kHz ARES net on the first and
third Sunday’s of each month at 4:30 p.m. If you do not have HF capabilities or propagation is poor at your location you can check in on the wb0vtm-l Echolink (824404 node). Thanks to Alan, AI9F, the net audio is simulcast on the link.

I hope to see you at one of the six upcoming hamfests. To view the listing go to arrl.org and click on the Hamfest and Conventions tab.

Please have your club PIO contact our section PIC, Vicky, at
vwhitaker@gmail.com. Vicky has been trying to develop a listing of all the club PIO’s. Club information is also needed for the ilclubs.net page. It’s your opportunity to highlight your club.

Finally, if you know someone who is not an ARRL member let them know the many benefits they can receive as a member.


Thom W9RY