It has been a busy few months. Between catching the COVID Delta variant 
and the holidays it’s been hard to get much done. 

I did have the opportunity to work the straight key contest and had a 
lot of fun doing it. It’s always fun to take out my ancient key (it 
was deeded to me by my Dad when I got my novice many years ago) and 
remember my novice days. 

If you have been following the headlines you know we now have a new 
Director of Emergency Management, Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, who will be 
based at headquarters and working with the new Emergency Communications 
and Field Services Committee. He is slated to attend the upcoming 
national convention in Orlando. 

It has also been announced that the FCC Chairwoman has named two radio 
amateurs among her appointments to the FCC Technological Advisory 
Council (TAC). They are Greg Lapin, N9GL, chair of the ARRL RF Safety 
Committee and Michelle Thompson, W5NYV, CEO of Open Research Institute. 

There is also some bad news for those operating in the 3.45 to 3.5 GHz 
9-centimeter band. Effective April 14 all amateur transmissions are 
prohibited. They still have secondary operating privileges in the 3.3 
to 3.45 GHz segment until the FCC makes further determinations. 
I’m routinely asked, “Why should I join the ARRL?” One of my 
answers is the ARRL works hard to protect our amateur frequencies. Yes, 
I know there are some who say they are not doing enough. However imagine 
where we would be if we didn’t have any representation. 

I am encouraging every club to appoint a Public Information Officer 
(PIO). We need to get more information out on what we are doing as 
clubs. Our Section Public Information Coordinator (PIC) needs to know 
who your club PIO is. Please send the information to Vicky at 

We also have a new Affiliated Clubs Coordinator (ACC), Jim Hull, W9JGH. 
We are moving the ilclubs page to a new Internet Service Provider who 
will give us much better flexibility to post. Jim is going to need you 
to send him your club newsletters and pictures for the site. His email 
is Please welcome Jim and send him your newsletter as 
he redesigns the website. 

Eureka! It’s time for Winterfest! We are finally having our first 2022 
hamfest this coming weekend in Collinsville, IL. Be sure to locate the 
Illinois ARES table where I will be there as well as Robert Littler, 
W9DSR, our SEC. I should be there about 10 a.m. as I am presenting at 9 
a.m. We look forward to seeing you. 
Additional hamfests that have been scheduled are: 

04/30/2022 – Sullivan Hamfest At Sullivan, IL 
Sponsor: Moultrie Amateur Radio Klub 

05/01/2022 – The DeKalb Hamfest At: Sandwich, IL 
Sponsor: Kishwaukee Amateur Radio Club 

06/05/2022 – Starved Rock Radio Club Hamfest At: Mendota, IL 
Sponsor: Starved Rock Radio Club 

08/13/2022 – West Central Illinois Hamfest At: Carlinville, IL 
Sponsor: Macoupin Cnty ARC, Montgomery Cnty ARC, Okaw Valley ARC, 
Sangamon Valley Radio Club 

The Twin City Amateur Radio Club is having another 2 meter sprint on 
January 30. For more information contact 

If you haven’t had a chance to see and hear K9LA Carl 
Luetzelschwab’s presentation on propagation I strongly recommend it. 
You can contact Carl at 

As we struggle our way out of COVID, I know many clubs are still meeting 
online. Please send me your online links so I can attend your meetings. 

Until next time, 73 and good propagation. 
Thom W9RY IL SM 

ARRL Illinois Section 
Section Manager: Dr Thomas H Beebe, W9RY 

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