We continue to face the challenges of the pandemic and its impact on our
abilities to hold hamfests and in person meetings. In the true spirit of
amateur radio we continue to find ways around the problems. This past
month I have continued to visit radio clubs both in person and online. I
had the opportunity to visit with the North Shore Radio Club and do a
presentation on Winlink. I also did a presentation in Metropolis for
Illinois and Kentucky amateurs on earthquakes titled “Did You Feel It
(DYFI).” If any clubs would like me to do a presentation, contact me.
I joined Massac County area amateurs at Fort Massac State Park for their
exercise and also met with the Egyptian Radio Club for their Halloween
Meet and Greet at the Pleasant Ridge Park in Fairview Heights.
I am happy to announce WB9QPM, Jim Hudson, is the Technical Coordinator
for the section. Jim has been doing an exceptional job helping amateurs
get their equipment up and running on Winlink as well as continuing to
get gateways up on 145.61 MHz. If you need assistance, Jim maintains a
daily presence on Zoom. He can be contacted at wb9qpm@arrl.net.
It appears we may be getting some better propagation on the low bands.
It is sometimes challenging when it is weak, but overall it looks like
things are getting better. I have received band condition reports that
stations are being worked on 10, 15 and 20 meter phone. We are also
enjoying better conditions on 75 meters for the National Traffic System
nets. Please join the nets on 3912 kHz M-F at 7 a.m. Illinois, 3857 kHz
at 4:45 p.m. Illinois time (Sunday on 3940 kHz at 8 a.m.) and 3905 kHz
every night at 6 p.m. Illinois time.
Recently some of you may have seen a message that the Red Cross no
longer needed amateur operators. I have been assured that message is
untrue. Amateur radio operators still play a vital roll with the Red
Cross. The Illinois Red Cross has a need for trained communicators to
support disaster teams across Illinois. On November 19, from 7-8 p.m.
They are holding an online informational meeting for interested
amateurs. You can register for the meeting either from the ARRL Illinois
Facebook page or by contacting Eric Lorenz (eric.lorenz@redcross.org).
Our section PIO needs updates from your club PIOs. Please have the
contact Vicky Whitaker at kd9bau@gmail.com. If your club does not have a
PIO contact Vicky for help.
Have you sent your club information for the ilclubs.net page? Please
send your club information with pictures if you have any to
Until next month, be safe and good propagation.
Thom W9RY